“Don’t let your mood dictate your moves.”

I heard a quote today that’s going to stick with me for a while:

“Don’t let your mood dictate your moves.”

When you invest in yourself in any way, that’s making a move, right? 

Maybe you invested in workout classes that cost you a few hundred a month. 

But when 6am rolls around… maybe you don’t feel like it. You’re tired. You couldn’t sleep last night because your neighbors were being loud, your sheets weren’t out of the dryer in time… you’ve got a million reasons, all affecting your mood. 

So how do you make a move regardless of your mood? 

By believing you’re worth investing in no matter what. 

By believing that the habits you’re building today will impact you down the road. 

You do that through building your confidence move by move, day by day. 

When you invest in yourself you make a move, meaning you can build confidence over time. And what’s really incredible about that is that you can get to a place where you make moves regardless of the mood you’re in. 

And that’s the kind of person you want to be, right? 

You know that’s how you’ll crush your goals - when you can keep moving regardless of your mood. 

Start building that confidence in yourself by investing in yourself and making moves today.


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